What is Art?

What is Art? - Ryan MatlockA friend of mine recently asked me a question. "What is art?" "What does art mean to you?" After thinking for a bit, this was my answer. 

What is Art?

Art is pouring yourself into a creation for others to enjoy. Everyone sees the world in a way that is different and unique to them. I believe that letting other people observe, critique, enjoy, and consider that view is what art is all about.For me, my art is about giving entertainment combined with education to others. I've been gifted by God with the ability to make people laugh by thinking critically about things we take for granted. Enter: Puns. Puns and wordplay play into this because coming up with and understanding puns requires mental maturity and exercise. In addition, my Fantastic Fridays series is meant to inform people on obscure holidays and the topics they observe, yet do it in a way that makes people laugh and enjoy themselves at the same time.I try to make this the goal of all content I create. It's not about being famous, but about giving to the people who care enough to receive my gifts. My hope is that it enriches their lives and gets them to see life in a way that makes them think and laugh at the incredible world we live in. 

What Art is Not

Art is not anything you throw in front of someone's face to look at. There are plenty of people who toss a heap of trash on display and call it "modern art". I call it confusion and chaos. One thing the true artist knows is that they must communicate the message of how they see the world to their audience. If they fail to do this, it's bad art.Now, maybe I'm not the audience these artists are trying to reach. I'll concede that. I want to stress though that for aspiring artists, one of the most important things to consider is whether the perspective you're trying to communicate is reaching people, or whether it only makes sense to you. 

Anyone Can Create Art

The way I see it, anyone can be an artist. For example, comedians see humor in so many ordinary and everyday things. The routine a comedian uses to present that humor is art.Painters see the beauty, complexity, and emotion in everyday things. Their brushes and paints are how they express that sight, and that is art.But this isn't limited to a few specific crafts. The title, "artist" doesn't only apply to musicians, painters, or performers. You are an artist if you can latch on to the way you see the world and present that in a way that communicates meaning to people who hold both similar and different points of view.Do you see a way to make ordinary cooking just that much more amazing? Share it with the world, and you're an artist. Do you have a view on how to be frugal and make life at home just that much more exciting and efficient? Sharing what you've done with those around you makes you an artist. 

Why Art is Important

It's a complex world we live in, and there's lots to explore. But many see that negatively. "There's too much to do." "You'll never do it all, so why bother?" "Is there even a point to trying when I have a full-time job?"Yet art is a reminder. A wake-up call that shows us how there is oh, so much more out there to discover and grow from. I think it's a high calling to be that reminder for others. It's also a huge responsibility. So if you wish to create, create well and make it amazing."Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people." Colossians 3:23 Special thanks to Stormy Phillips for prompting this. 


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